Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Getting to Work

Currently we are in big discussions over what the format of the podcast should be. Right now, it looks like we'll begin with a general discussion of the news, an spotlight on a middle school practice and an interview.

If you are a middle school educator, what would you like to hear about? We're currently open for suggestions. Use the comments section to make your voice heard. Either that or drop us an email at Middle School Musings.

1 comment:

Joe Bruzzese said...

Hello, I found you amidst the myriad of blogs. I love the idea of creating podcasts based on your readers' interest. I think we may have something to share with each other.

I am currently writing a book, The Start Smart Guide to Middle School for Parents and Kids (working title). Essentially the book is organized into three parts: 3 weeks leading up to the start of the school year, the first 6 weeks of school from day 1 to progress reports, and finally, the 3 weeks from progress report to the first quarter report card.

Although I am the primary author driving the book, many of the contributions come from both parents and kids currently in middle school as well as questions from both groups who are making the leap this coming year.

If you would like to talk more about sharing your ideas we would love to hear them. You can contact me either via email, joe@thinking-forward.com or by phone 805-889-2142.
One final contact point is our blog, located at www.thinking-forward.com where we have a more detailed description of the project.

We introduced the book project on our blog and have received incredible response from parents, kids, and educators who want to contribute.