Tuesday, May 15, 2007
We're moving
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Behind the Scenes
About that remarkably easy. Some of things that we are doing were absolutely impossible just a few years ago. One of us has some experience in college radio (just a, um, few years ago). The things that we can do now we didn't even dream about in that long ago experience. So, yes, on one hand, it is remarkably easy. However, remarkably easy (as any middle school educator can attest to) is a matter of perspective.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
End of the Year
- Useful
- Entertaining
- Humorous
- Thoughtful
- Insightful
- Relevant
- Intriguing
- Exciting
Monday, April 16, 2007
New Hope
However, it wasn't completely clear to me exactly how the job was different. It is now becoming more and more clear. However, not everything is changing.
Let's start with the vestiges of what was. Our schedule is still derived from the farming schedule. In fact, lawmakers in Michigan like the schedule so much that we are barred by law from having students return to school before Labor Day. That is one example of what was.
Those same lawmakers also passed a law that every student must have an "on-line" experience. New schedule, meet the old schedule.
Teachers are being asked to do more and more. Yet we don't recognize that. We don't honor that. We don't applaud that.
How has the job changed?
More to come.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Times they are a changin'
With that, it is important to look at the opportunities that are presenting themselves. (Not really sure I've made it quite far enough to have found them all). Anyway, we'll discuss some of the changes that are occurring and try to find as many positives as we can.
First of all, education as a whole is changing. The job of teaching looks very different right now than it did a few years ago. We'll venture to say that the job will look different yet in a few more years. This is an exciting time in education due simply to that fact. It may not always be fun to go through the change, but at least we have an opportunity to be a part of it.
Will we look back in a few years and remember these as "the good old days?"
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Middle School at it's end?
- kids will have fewer opportunities for gaining elective credit.
- Michigan now allows students to earn High School credit while in Middle School.
- let's teach high school courses in middle school, give the students credit for high school while in middle school and every one is happy.
Well, maybe not everyone. There is a reason for middle school. Middle school has some very important concepts that deal with physical, emotional and psychological development of adolescents. However, few people really understand middle school and middle school kids.
Is middle school going to revert to junior high? It's far too early to tell, however, it is obvious that middle school has been and continues to be under attack. We'll keep fighting for what is right for the students. We believe in the middle school beliefs.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What's in a name?
As always, comments are always welcome.
Middle School Reform vs High School Reform
I've had many questions lately revolving around the very question of what is middle school? For some people, middle school is a schedule. In fact, for some people, middle school means teachers having an "extra" prep. That's it. Anyone who really knows middle school knows that middle school is much, much more. In future posts, we'll talk much more about the seminal research documents and the underlying concepts of middle school. What is really interesting to me about the question right now is the high school reform that is happening.
Let's face it, middle school is under attack in many places. I've seen many places espousing the abolition of middle school because it "doesn't work". Never mind that most places are truly doing middle school. Never mind that the underlying concepts haven't been implemented. Just say that it doesn't work.
So in short, what are the basics of middle school:
- Based upon the developmental needs (social and academic) of young adolescents.
- Organized into interdisciplinary teams.
- Flexible organizational structures.
- Advisory programs to address the needs of students.
- Exploratory opportunities
- Positive adult and peer relationships are developed.
- Engage the family and the community with the education of the middle school students.
- Connect schools with the community.
The overall goal of the Breaking Ranks Model of High School Reform is to help high schools improve learning opportunities and achievement results for all students. The model has been designed to assist high schools in achieving the following objectives:
- Ensure that all students have access to rigorous, standards-based, real-world instruction
- Restructure the high school into small, personalized learning communities
- Develop staff capacity to systematically use data for purposes of equity, accountability, and instructional improvement
- Implement collaborative leadership strategies that engage staff, students,parents, and the broader community in supporting school and student success
#2 - Um, this is one of the major tenets of middle school. The whole idea of teaming, and connecting with kids is one of the major cornerstones of middle school.
#3 - Certainly this is good instruction and important in education. Not specifically a tenet of the middle school concept, but
important in middle school and school of all levels.
#4 - Engaging parents, students and the community. Again, another major tenet of middle school.
How about some suggestions from the Executive Summary:
1. Core Knowledge: Establish the essential learnings a student is required to learn in order to graduate, and adjust the curriculum and teaching strategies to realize that goal
2. Connections with Students: Increase the quantity and improve the quality of interactions between students, teachers, and other school personnel by reducing the number of students for which any adult or group of adults is responsible
3. Personalized Planning: Implement a comprehensive advisory program that ensures each student has frequent and meaningful opportunities to plan and assess his or her academic and social progress with a faculty member
4. Adapting to Differences: Ensure teachers use a variety of instructional strategies and assessments to accommodate individual learning styles
5. Flexible Use of Time: Implement schedules flexible enough to accommodate teaching strategies consistent with the ways students learn most effectively and that allow for effective teacher teaming and lesson planning
6. Distributed Leadership: Institute structural leadership changes that allow for meaningful involvement in decision making by students, teachers, family members, and the community and that support effective communication with these groups
7. Continuous Professional Development: Align comprehensive, ongoing professional development program and individual Personal Learning Plans of staff members with the content knowledge and instructional strategies required to prepare students for graduation.
Again, let's take a look at this.
- Core knowledge. Important in middle school.
- Connections with students. A major tenet of middle school.
- Comprehensive advisory program. A major tenet of middle school.
- Differentiation. A major tenet of middle school.
- Flexible use of time. A major tenet of middle school.
- Distributed leadership. In middle school, teachers, parents and students should have a voice in decision making.
- Continuous Professional Development. See #6.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Convention Reflections
One of my favorite conversations from the Ohio Middle School Association conference was with a teacher who was at this conference for the first time. He and I discussed many issues related to middle school, but part that struck me the most was his comment on how much stopping and reflecting on middle school education and our own practice was something that should be done more often. Many teachers on the survey reported that they don't talk to teachers in other buildings except at conferences such as this.
One of the sessions that tickled my interest was a presentation on incorporating Turning Points and This We Believe into a limited budget. Two creative approaches centered around planned assemblies where the school aides and paraprofessional personnel were in the assembly with the kids and the teams were in their team rooms planning. The second approach was to petition the state for "waivers". This retired principal had exercised a clause in the school code that allowed districts to waive instructional time for cause. He organized four of these days, two per semester and that gave the teams two whole days a semester to plan ahead and organize their curriculum. Rather than just giving the students a "day off," he brought in community groups like the YMCA to organize activities and events during the day in the building.
Another school used teaming to improve discipline. Their teams created a team discipline plan under the supervision of the Assistant Principal which incorporated a check system. Each student gets a discipline card. Each team rule infraction earned a graduation in discipline starting with warnings and increasing to referrals to the Assistant Principal and Team discipline interventions. They found their Assistant Principal had more time for doing other AP things and less of his time was spent on student discipline. Their teams have daily team meetings.
Lastly, a few quotes from the two days. Betty Hollas spoke on collegiality of staff being second only to curriculum as the most important factor in student achievement.
"Negative attitudes are like passive smoke, it'll slowly kill ya."
"Sign seen in Alaska: Pick your ruts carefully. You will be in them for the next 8 months.
"You can catch an emotion like you can catch a cold."
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Middle School vs Junior High
In another discussion, several teachers (all of whom who reported teaching at a middle school) essentially stated that the difference was that they get two prep periods.
What's your take?
Monday, February 26, 2007
* I wasn't trained very much in "teacher school" about giving good assessments. Even more so, I wasn't really schooled in what to do with the information. I've done a lot of reading and researching to learn more.
* The question of preparing students for High school seems to come up quite a bit. One of the ways that this is expressed is in assessment. One example, "should we have timed tests" because in high school, they have to be prepared for timed tests. A great question that gets at what underlies much of middle school.
* Assessment lead to the big bugaboo of grades. What do grades mean? For whom? Do students really "earn" them? Do they truly reflect learning? What are grades composed of?
We'll take more about assessments as we go on.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Links to Sites of Interest
For our first site, we'll take a look at an interesting site from a Reflective Teacher. This blogger is in his second year of blogging. He blogs regularly (a challenge for all of us). He blogs anonymously so that he can protect the identity of the students and such. This allows him much more freedom. We've chosen to put our real, actual names onto the blog. Both methods have advantages. Please know that our blog and podcasts are to express our personal opinions and not those of our employers.
Anyway, the reflective teacher site contains lesson plans and lots of interesting ideas. This blogger is a fascinating read. From the Friday Haiku , to the Day in a Sentence, it is a good read. The last Friday Haiku posted is
"Finally a day
Where collaboration and
hope met side-by-side."
Definitely worth a read.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Survey Results
* Curriculum Assessment Schedules
* Relationship building, creating an authentic sense of community
* Scheduling
* Academics
* New innovations in technology/teaming/grouping, Inclusion, Curriculum, Achievement Testing, Recognition
* Academic Achievement
* Teaming, interdisciplinary Units, Co-Teaching
* Advisory, People doing Special Ed. well
* Team Teaching
* Teaming ideas, interventions (academic and behavioral), discipline issues, new things kids are doing
* Bullying, teaming
* Differentiated Instruction, Advisory
* Teaming, Advisory
* Teaming, How various schools beat the budget/$$ problems
* How to deal with student issues
* Scheduling
* Transition programs
* Changing middle school students Attitudes in wanting to learn. (Motivating student learning)
* Motivating students, how to reduce discipline problems.
What do you think? Do any of these topics surprise you? Are there any topics that should have been included? Let us know.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Anyway, we did learn a few things:
1) I need to use a different microphone (you can hear the "fishbowl" effect)
2) Technically, most things worked. I need to fiddle with some settings, but basically it works
3) We really, really enjoy talking about middle school and education
4) I learned a bit about the editing process (which has changed just a bit since my college radio station days of tape)
If I get a chance, I may post an edited copy of this first test.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Middle School Misunderstandings
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Your Turn
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Getting to Work
If you are a middle school educator, what would you like to hear about? We're currently open for suggestions. Use the comments section to make your voice heard. Either that or drop us an email at Middle School Musings.